Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

生命週期評估 (LCA) 是「我們的選擇」的關鍵部分,這項工具可協助我們衡量產品對環境的影響。 透過使用 LCA,我們選擇將我們的環境影響資料透明化,提供您所需的資訊,讓您能做出反映您價值觀的選擇。
然而,LCA 有時很難解釋。 儘管我們可以呈現直至分銷點的影響,但實際情況是,「使用階段」 - 產品的使用方式和持續時間 - 對產品的整體環境足跡起著關鍵作用。產品使用得越多,在其生命週期中每次使用所造成的影響就越小。 舉例來說,一個產品在生產初期可能會對環境造成較大的影響,但如果它的使用壽命比初期影響較小的替代產品更長,則其最終的總足跡可能會更小。
從更廣泛的生命週期角度來看,使用壽命和使用頻率是關鍵因素。 一個一開始看似足跡較高的產品,由於其耐用性和使用時間較長,長期來說可能會有較好的環保表現。 在評估永續性時,必須了解這種複雜性,因為只著眼於原料或生產階段,可能會忽略產品環保效能的全貌。
但我們瞭解,評估不同產品如何影響環境的有效方法,是量度其影響,並比較主要的環境指標 - 例如溫室氣體排放量、用水量和土地使用量。 沒有這些測量,就無法做出明智的決策,也無法推動有意義的正面改變。
A key part of Our Choice is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a tool that helps us measure the environmental impact of our products. By using LCA, we choose to be transparent about our environmental impact data, giving you the information you need to make choices that reflect your values. However, LCA results can be complex and sometimes hard to interpret. While we can present the impact up to the point of distribution, the reality is that the “use phase” - the way the product is used and how long it lasts – plays a critical role in its overall environmental footprint. The more a product is used, the less impact it has peruse over its lifetime. For example, a product that may initially show a higher environmental impact during production could ultimately have a lower total footprint if it lasts longer than an alternative product with a lower initial impact. This means that, from a broader life cycle perspective, longevity and frequency of use are key factors. A product with a seemingly higher footprint at the outset may perform better environmentally in the long run due to its durability and extended use. This complexity is essential to understand when evaluating sustainability, as focusing solely on raw material or production phases can overlook the complete picture of a product’s environmental performance.
But we understand that an effective way to assess how different products affect the environment is by measuring their impact and comparing key environmental indicators – such as greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and land use. Without these measurements, it is impossible to make informed decisions and drive meaningful, positive change.
我們與 Made2Flow 合作,幫助我們計算產品從原材料到工作服交付給客戶的過程中對環境的影響。 Made2Flow 檢視我們供應鏈的真實數據,並輔以紡織品供應鏈的類似驗證數據,計算出每項產品在供應鏈所有步驟中的影響。
他們遵循全球 ISO 14040 標準和歐洲委員會的 PEFCR 指南。 他們的工作有助於確保我們與您分享準確和最新的資訊,從而使我們對您負責。
我們與您分享的資料包括主要資料和次要資料。 原始數據約佔我們總數據基礎的 20%,直接從我們自己的供應鏈中收集。 其餘的是經過驗證的第二級資料,這些資料是基於先前收集的第一級資料,並根據其在我們供應鏈中的相關性和代表性加以挑選。
How we measure the environmental footprint of our products
We have partnered with Made2Flow to help us calculate the impact of our products, from raw materials to the delivery of our workwear to customers. By examining real-world data from our supply chain, supplemented with similar verified data from textile supply chains, Made2Flow calculates the impact of each product across all steps of our supply chain. They follow the global ISO 14040 standard and the European Commission’s PEFCR guidelines. Their work helps keep us accountable by ensuring we share accurate and up-to-date information with you. The data we share with you consists of both primary and secondary data. Primary data makes up about 20% of our total data foundation and is gathered directly from our own supply chain. The rest is validated secondary data, based on previously collected primary data selected for its relevance and representativeness within our supply chain.
我們選擇了與紡織業最相關的環境影響指標,並將重點放在我們足跡最多的領域。 由於我們在生產中同時使用天然纖維和合成纖維,因此水和土地的使用是對我們的環境影響有重大影響的關鍵因素。 淡水生態毒性(化學物質對淡水生物的有害影響)和富營養化(水體中營養物的積聚導致藻類過度生長)也包括在內,以衡量對生態系統和生物多樣性的影響。
歡迎閱讀更多關於我們主要指標的資訊,如果您需要更多關於我們永續發展努力或特定環境影響指標的資訊,請隨時與我們聯繫。 所有 16 項影響指標的資料均可索取。
Our chosen environmental impact indicators
We have selected the environmental impact indicators most relevant to the textile industry, focusing on the areas where we have the largest footprint. Since we use both natural and synthetic fibers in production, water, and land usage are key factors that significantly contribute to our environmental impact. Freshwater Ecotoxicity (harmful effects of chemicals on freshwater organisms) & Eutrophication (nutrient buildup in water bodies that leads to excessive algae growth) are also included to measure effects on ecosystems and biodiversity. Feel free to read more about our key indicators below, and do not hesitate to reach out if you would like additional information on our sustainability efforts or specific environmental impact indicators. Data for all 16 impact indicators is available upon request.